KickOff Start to Open Source!

By Nancy Chauhan

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Open Source is đź’š

In this Blog I want to cover my journey of fear :


to overcoming fear !

"Loving it!"

For every Developer the story of Open Source World starts with What? Why? How? What is open source, Why should we know about it ? How to get involved in it ?

What ??

Open Source is not the same as no-cost (free) software. Rather, it is idea that you can open the software to see what’s in it, manipulate it, and make it yours. It’s open to you, and that implies many more things about it that make it interesting and important.

Refer it

Why ??

Why to know about it ?? These are some of the things we can experience through Open Source:

1) Get experience working in real codebases ( Isn’t Awesome ? )
2) Reading other people’s code , People from all over the world can contribute to your code.

"Lets make it work Together !"

3) Understanding complex systems, one piece at a time
4) Using versioning software (like git) in a proper way .
5) A very good code quality is maintained

Hence contributing to open source makes you a better developer!

How ??

How to Enter this world ?

Github set the precedent for the boom in open source. With basic knowledge of Git and GitHub, you can start contributing.

1 ) Make a Github Account !


2 ) You can watch this YouTube video to have a great insight on Git commands. (This is đź’š)

3 ) Now Ready! Set! Go!

Start by this

Find Your Project / Organisation ( Where you will contribute )
Fork The Repository
Clone The Repository

git clone “Copied URL”

Create a Branch

Go to the directory where you cloned the repo. Create a new branch using git checkout command

git checkout -b branch-name

Make Changes , Resolve Issue , Commit Those Changes! Push To GitHub!

To make commit and push changes,

git add
git commit -m “Add [username] as a contributor”
git push origin branch name

Open a Pull Request

If you go to your repository on GitHub, you’ll see a Compare & pull request button. Click on that button and submit the pull request! Soon your changes will be reviewed and the PR will be merged if the changes are legit!


Keep Contributing ! Open Source Lifts the community (Always remember, “we rise by lifting others”)