Lift As You Climb

By Nancy Chauhan

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“And so, lifting as we climb, onward and upward we go, struggling and striving, and hoping that the buds and blossoms of our desires will burst into glorious fruition ere long.” — Mary Church Terrell

Recently I watched an Interview of Pepsico CEO Indra Nooyi and actress and humanitarian Priyanka Chopra with moderator Moira Forbes at the 2018 Forbes Women’s Summit. Indra Nooyi, by many accounts, is one of the most powerful women in the world. As Nooyi once said — “Yes, you can have it all, with the right support system, some sacrifices and some collateral damage under the water if you are willing to trade off.” Well, if you read between the lines, ‘the having it all’ part doesn’t seem so easy.


Indra Nooyi spoke , That she loves the show -Sex and the City “I loved the show. Why did I love the show? Every episode had a lesson … but the biggest takeaway was the sisterhood of the women. The more I looked at that show, I said man, we have to create our own sisterhoods,” Nooyi told the audience at the Forbes Women Summit in New York City on Tuesday. “We need an environment where our sisterhood does not judge us but gives us constructive feedback. And where we can talk about Mr. Big!”

I believe , There is a beauty in a thought of lifting others and yourself as you rise above this mess of comparison. I have observed it personally , that how woman tend to tear each other apart , and how Women are often harder on each other than men are on each other. We should develop strong value on supporting other women to achieve their ambitions as we pursue our own !

"PyLady Talk , Pycon Conference 2018"
"Carol Willing , Pycon Conference 2018"

I had attended Pycon Conference 2018 , Hyderabad India and had a great opportunity to meet Carol Willing , a Python Software Foundation Fellow and former Director, a core developer of CPython and Project Jupyter, and a Research Software Engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She’s also Geek-In-Residence at Fab Lab San Diego and co-organizes Pyladies San Diego and San Diego Python.

She tells us , that she considered her contribution isn’t great when she started with her career and how she got into Jupyter and when she started contributing , with time she realized that her contributions made a difference . It has indeed inspired many other Woman Developers around ! She told us how she had seen a change in figures of Woman in Tech , with only one Woman attending Conference to rise in the figure of Woman Developers around Globe .

It didn’t happen in the blink of an eye , but it was a long process of Inspiring and Pulling up each other !