Thoughts & Stories

By Nancy Chauhan

Summer, Code, and Hack!

Librecores provides a platform to share projects and ideas, in the area of free and open-source digital hardware design. Librecores CI is a service to provide CI for hardware projects hosted on Librecores to improve user experience and reliability.

Modifying mor1k Travis CI flow to use Librecores-CI image

It has been almost two weeks since coding phase 1 has started and things are getting clearer with every discussion I have with my mentors Oleg Nenashev and Stafford Horne on Setting up demo CI flow for mor1kx. Till now I have worked on modifying mor1kx Travis CI flow to use Librecores-CI docker image.

My Summer with Librecores CI

This year I have got the opportunity to work with Fossi Foundation as a Google Summer of Code Student Developer 2019. I will be working on project Continuous Integration for Hardware Projects on LibreCores CI

Getting Selected-Processing Fellowship

The Processing Foundation Fellowships support artists, coders, and collectives in visionary projects that conceive a new direction for what Processing as a software and a community can do.